How to deal with blue screen of death constantly?

Blue screen of death means a blue page appeared while there is a error in the Windows and cant be recovery. You will lose the whole work product when you experiencing things like that. It is a tough issue for most of us. Why this happens and how to fix it? Here are some tips for you.  

Blue screen of death may caused by:
1 system issue.
There might have some problems with computer memories, hard drives, computer system or just dust inside. We could change a hard disk to ensure if it is the systems responsibility.
2 disorder with BIOS.
Set BIOS to the original state and discharge the CMOS, as the abnormal BIOS will lead to blue screen of death.
3 Issue with voltage.
Measure the voltage to see if there exist troubles like unstable voltage or excessive voltage, as voltage problem will result in blue screen of death too.
4 CPU or video cards problem.
Running excessive programs will lead to high memory consumption and high temperature in the computer, that will rouse the blue screen of death.
5 Cooling fan in laptop has broken.
If there is a big noise with the cooling fan and the laptop is pretty hot, pay attention, as the cooling fan trouble will result in bad heat dissipation which may lead to the blue screen of death.
6 Issue with clock.
Motherboards cant work normally with out the right clock. If the clock has a high working frequency, that will rouse blue screen or computer crash.
7 Got virus in computer.
If the PC has been infected or implanted with trojans, that will lead to blue screen too. You can use a anti-virus software to fix this.
8 Incompatible software.
 The blue screen of death may aroused by the new installed software or updated software, which is incompatible with system or other software.
After knowing the reason for blue screen of death, the next step is how to handle with it.
1 Check out the stability of inner hardware, which might cause malfunction strangely.
2 You should prohibit or uninstall the new software or driver in the safe mode, if blue screen of death happened after installing the new things.(How to access the safe mode? Press F8 immediately after reboot.)
3 Kill the virus. As virus or trojans in the computer is one of the reason causing blue screen.

4 check out the hardware of the laptop. Poor heat dissipation caused by bad cooling fan or excessive CPU usage.

According to these knowledge, you can handle with blue screen next time. In most cases, just take your laptop to the computer repair store for cleaning if it is caused by memory or dust. And you need search for help from professional for data recovery if it is aroused by some other academic questions.

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